Doing a Programming Project was really a hard job for me when I was at class XII. So, I thought I can help others who are facing the same problem as I faced before when my teacher asked me to do some projects work with the codes. I was a very lazy student as compared … →
C++ is one of the most advanced and one of the most useful programming language in the present world of programming.If you are searching for good complier or interpreter for c++.You may check these Visual studio Dev c++ Starting the code: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { const string USERNAME = … →
Hi everyone, Welcome to my new blog post again. Here i am presenting some C Programming Video Tutorial from my dear bro Tutor Sushant‘s YouTube channel. You Guys can also checkout his channel for free c programming videos. Checkout his Playlist for C programming videos You can watch next videos by pressing the next button. he … →
Hello everyone here is a another program to check out the Greatest number among three. Previously i have made a post on another topic “finding greatest among 2” one of my Friend requested me to make another post on finding greatest number among three so here is the program. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { … →
Program to calculate Total amount, VAT & TAX CASE STUDY CLASS 12 Hello Every student of class 12. Welcome back/welcome to my blog. Through out this post i want to teach you the program to calculate the total amount VAT and the TAX of Nepal Telecom Bill. So here is the program only dedicated to … →