Write a program to display the order menu and let the user choose any option in C Programming

Before you go you need to be familiar with Switch Case Statement. Anyway let’s check the code //WAP TO Display the menu and let the user choose their choice #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int order; printf(“Please choose what you want \n 1 for Veg MoMo \n 2 for Buff MoMo \n 3 for Chaumin \n 4 … 


Write a program to check whether the number is Odd or Even in C

Hello there, here i am again back with the another program. I hope you guys are enjoying my Blog and the contents let’s check the program [gistpen id=”340″]


Write a Program to display Name, age and salary of a person in C Programming

Have a look and try it Yourself!!   #include <stdio.h> int main(){ char name[20]; int age; float salary; printf(“Enter your name: “); gets(name); printf(“Enter your age: “); scanf(“%d”,&age); printf(“Enter your salary: “); scanf(“%f”,&salary); printf(“Name: ” ); puts(name); printf(“\n Age: %d”,age); printf(“\n Salary: %.2f”,salary); }    


Write a program to find the simple interest in C Programming

Okay here again I am sharing another program to find out the simple interest #include<stdio.h> void main() { int amount, rate, time, si; printf(“\nEnter Principal Amount : “); scanf(“%d”, &amount); printf(“\nEnter Rate of Interest : “); scanf(“%d”, &rate); printf(“\nEnter Period of Time : “); scanf(“%d”, &time); si = (amount * rate * time) / 100; … 


Write a program to find the area of a Circle in C Programming

Hello there, This is CoderPradip here, and i am here to share you the way to find the area of a circle. So let’s check the code #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #define PI 3.141 int main(){ float radius, area; printf(“Enter radius of circle\n”); scanf(“%f”, &radius); area = PI*radius*radius; printf(“Area of circle : %0.4f\n”, area); getch(); …