This article explains the top 5 best programming language to learn to get a job in the future. They’re mostly useful for software development, desktop applications, and freelancing. There are many things we should consider while choosing a suitable coding language. If you are looking to develop a high-end mobile app or need programming certification, … →
This page contains detailed information about how to set cookie in PHP for remember me. Let’s get started. How to set cookie in PHP? What is a Cookie? First of all, you all need to know what actually the cookie is. A cookie is often used to identify a user. A cookie is a small … →
[the_ad id=”2036″] Hey, folks today we are gonna learn how to hack a wifi network using Ubuntu OS. With the help of this method, you can hack wifi with WPA/WPA2 secured. So this method work on almost any Linux distro. You just have to download Reaver (Its download link will be last of this post … →
Doing a Programming Project was really a hard job for me when I was at class XII. So, I thought I can help others who are facing the same problem as I faced before when my teacher asked me to do some projects work with the codes. I was a very lazy student as compared … →
We all need a good text editor to write codes or anything on our PC, but we all get confused while choosing the best one for the faster and good coding experience. I used to spend whole days searching for good text/code editors to make my coding experience better. Thinking about those hard days I … →