Before you go you need to be familiar with Switch Case Statement.
Anyway let’s check the code
//WAP TO Display the menu and let the user choose their choice #include<stdio.h> void main(){ int order; printf("Please choose what you want \n 1 for Veg MoMo \n 2 for Buff MoMo \n 3 for Chaumin \n 4 for Aalu Puri \n 5 for exit \n Order: "); scanf("%d",&order); switch(order){ case 1: printf("Your veg MoMo will be delivered soon"); break; case 2: printf("Your Buff MoMo will be delevered soon"); break; case 3: printf("Your Chaumin will be delevered soon"); break; case 4: printf("Your Aalu Puri will be delevered soon"); break; default: printf("Thank You For Visiting"); } }